Corporate Responsibility

While our focus on quality is an integral part of our brand, our operational excellence is as important to us as the luxury products we make. St. John places Corporate Responsibility at the heart of our business practices and we strive to operate in accordance with the highest ethical standards wherever we conduct business.

As such, St. John expects the same commitment from all of our business partners. We recognize we have the opportunity to promote human rights and fair labor practices with our business partners and require all of our partners comply with local labor and environmental laws, as well as St. John's Code of Conduct and Ethics which sets forth our internal accountability standards. In addition, St. John voluntarily participates in the United States Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection’s Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program, designed to strengthen and improve international supply chain and border security. As part of the C-TPAT program, our suppliers certify that materials incorporated into our products comply with the local laws regarding slavery and human trafficking. Furthermore, St. John will be instituting a training initiative for employees involved in supply chain management, training them about mitigating the risks of human trafficking and slavery.

To assist us, St. John has engaged a third party auditor to routinely assess our partners’ performance and compliance with St. John's Code of Conduct, C-TPAT, and internationally established guidelines for lawful, humane and ethical business practices, including the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) standards. Our auditors evaluate and address any potential risks of human trafficking, forced labor or child labor within our supply chain. Upon receipt of our auditors’ reports, we work with our partners to establish means of remediation for any non-compliance.